Get Ready for Proliferation of Devices on Network
June 30, 2014
In Healthcare it sometimes seems like most of the technology talk focuses on EMR systems and meeting Meaningful Use. While that is very true, many forward thinking CIO's and CTO's are taking a step back and looking at the big picture. These CIO’s and CTO’s are strategically preparing for a proliferation of devices on their wireless network. Where are these devices coming from you may ask? From the adoption of:
UC and IP telephony technology and phones to support mobility and care team collaboration, as well as care-giver to patient communications.
Real Time Location Services tags that track patients, equipment and assets.Additional tablet and laptop computers that support the expanded use of clinical applications.
Personal tablets and smart phones being brought into the hospital by employees, physicians, vendors, patients and their guests.
High Definition Video end points for videoconferencing and telemedicine initiatives.Cameras to support the remote monitoring of critical care and rapid response patients and virtual patient observation.
Wireless Medical Telemetry Systems used to monitor a patient’s vital signs.These devices need a robust wireless infrastructure built for data and voice and a security infrastructure for security policy management and enforcement.
My advice to organizations is to not get tunnel vision. Now is the perfect time to move forward with that needed infrastructure upgrade or security overhaul that has been put off for many years.